There are several colors of emery

Emery has white, black, brown, green, pink and gray types

If a customer inquires about emery, you need to confirm the color and chemical composition of emery to the customer

1. The color is white, and the chemical composition is alumina, which can be judged to be white corundum

2. The color is brown, and the chemical composition is alumina, which can be judged to be brown corundum

3. The color is pink, the chemical composition is alumina, which can be judged to be chromium corundum

4. The color is gray and the chemical composition is alumina, which can be judged to be zirconium corundum

5. The color is black, and the chemical composition is alumina, which can be judged to be black corundum

6. The color is green, and the chemical composition is silicon carbide, which can be judged to be green silicon carbide

6. The color is black, and the chemical composition is silicon carbide, which can be judged to be black silicon carbide


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